
July 12, 2011

Happy Blogiversary to Me: Contest Winners!

Runner crossing finish line

*whew*  I officially made it to the one-year mark for this blog.  I thought reaching this point would be a lot harder than it was.

Life is often that way.  We put off something we dread, and then when we finally buckle down to do it, we wonder why we feared it so much.  (Note to self: Remember that lesson.)

I thought it would be hard to think of blog topics, but I have hundreds of ideas for potential posts.  I thought my blog would be me talking to myself, and yet I have all of you.  *hugs you all*  It’s actually been a great experience.

Now if only I could pause time so this blog didn’t take away from my writing time.  *smile*  One of you get to work on that for me, okay?

If I seem scattered in this post, blame today’s topic: Interviewing myself through the use of Google search terms.  These are all search terms that have brought people to my blog over the past year.  Talk about random…

Google:  can authors get multiple personality disorder?
Me:  No, authors can’t “get” multiple personality disorder because it’s not contagious.  Now, can they start off that way?  That’s an entirely different question.  *grin*

G:  i am addicted to buying free books on kindle.
Me:  Aren’t we all?

G:  writers are insane.
Me:  Yes we are.  Your point?

G:  should i get me stories published or self publish?
Me:  Neither.  You should learn the craft and proper grammar first.

G:  what kind jami a situation this now?
Me:  Uh…  I have no idea.

G:  introvert don’t even use twitter
Me:  *shocked face*  Don’t even use Twitter?  *writes prescription for Twitter*

G:  what does happily ever after mean?
Me:  Happily ever after means you choose to be happy every single day.  Other people have worse situations than we do and are still happy.  We can be too.
(Sometimes Google is deep.  *pats Google on head*)

G:  why characters have flaws?
Me:  Characters have flaws because otherwise we would hate them.  We look for things to pick on when we see a Photoshopped picture of a model.  We relate to others’ flaws and quirks, not their flawlessness.  Besides, perfection doesn’t exist.  (And I say that as a perfectionist.)

G:  do you have sex with your muse?
Me:  That’s a rather personal question there, Google.  And I know I’ve stated my muse is male and I joke about being insane and all, but even I know that would be impossible.
(Muse, are you blushing?)

G:  muse pervert shower writer
Me:  I had to include this one because it’s my favorite search term for my blog—ever.  Especially because I completely deserve it.  *snicker*
(Too bad, Muse.  Deal.  You’ve got a reputation now.  *Muse glares at me*)

And now, the part you’ve all really been waiting for…the winners from my Milestone Contest!

Sarah Pearson

Angela Ackerman

Catie Rhodes

Congratulations to you all!  You should receive an email from me within the next day, so start thinking about what prize you want.  Should I be worried?

What have you put off because you worried about how hard it would be?  Once you did it, was it as bad as you thought?  What are your favorite search terms for your blog?  Do you have a time-pausing device I could borrow?

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Melinda Collins

Happy 1-year Blogiversary, Jami!!!!

My blog is also something that I kept putting off. It’s not that difficult…I just have a hard time coming up with topics sometimes and it’s very time consuming considering I don’t get home until 5:30. Somedays, I literally end up spend about 1-2 hours putting a post together, leaving no room for writing/editing or quality time with the hubs. Yeah, I’m working on finding the balance <—–Oh! There's an idea for a post right there! LOL

Congrats again, Jami!!! 🙂

Jami's Tech Guy

Happy blogiversary to you,
happy blogiversary to you,
happy blogiversary dear Jami,
happy blogiversary to you!

Here’s to you and your wonderful blog. *toasts*

May your posts over the next year bring us wonderful stories about you acquiring an agent and getting your first publishing contract!


Susan Sipal

You have a tech guy!! I’m so jealous.

I was going to comment on your awesomely funny search terms and responses….until I saw the tech guy. A tech guy is better than a pool guy any day. 🙂

Congratulations, Jami, on your blogoversary. And congrats to the winners!

Lori M. Lee

Congrats winners! Also those search terms are lolarious!

Michele Shaw

Happy Blogiversary! I just passed mine too! Crazy to think, isn’t it? Congrats to the winners!!! Yay, winning stuff is fun!

Manon Eileen

Happy blogiversary, Jami, congratulations 😀

Angela Ackerman

No way–I can’t believe I won, especially since you’re guest posting for us in a few days, so I feel like I’ve already won something! 🙂 *cheers* This is awesome–thanks again so much.

Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

Raelyn Barclay

Happy Blogiversary. Those search terms (and your answers) are great 🙂

Congrats to the winners.

Irene Vernardis
Irene Vernardis

Happy Blogiversary Jami! (Nice word :D)

“but even I know that would be impossible” – uhm, don’t bet on that, though…depends on who the muse is, Ms. Paranormal! author 😀 – nothing is impossible and everything is relative. Nuff said 🙂

Loved the self interview 🙂

Suzi McGowen

Congratulations to all the winners! No matter which prize you choose, you’re in for something great!

Sarah Pearson

Oh my, I won!

Thank you so much Jami, I don’t think I’ve ever won anything before 🙂
(I’ll be honest, I had to click on the link to make sure it wasn’t another Sarah Pearson!)


Congrats, Jami! And also to the winners 😉

Those search enquiries are hilarious! Makes you wonder what people were thinking or really looking for. 🙂

Joyce Alton

Yay for anniversaries! I’m looking forward to reading those hundreds of blog posts you still have simmering.

Something I’ve put off but then found it wasn’t as big a deal? Being a writer and going online; actually interacting with people and participating in discussions. I still struggle sometimes with this one but in the end, it’s usually not as big or bad as my imagination thought it would be.


Hi Jami!

Wow! A whole year, can you believe it? Big hugs Jami and keep up the good work! What were we doing this time last year? *thinks for a moment* I know, right? Just think about that and look at what you’ve accomplished since! I’d say, amazing, but it’s not really, because you’re pretty, I mean determined. 😉
Love ya!

Murphy – still waiting for revision # one billion and one…Um, what’s the ETA on that?

Catie Rhodes

Oh wow. That’s exciting. I never win anything. You’ll wish you had passed my name over and picked someone else. Promise. LOL

PW Creighton

Haha that’s outstanding Jami, kudos for the blogiversary and that is the most amusing interview I’ve read to date!

Todd Moody

Congrats Jami! You can celebrate by taking your Muse out to dinner before you have sex with him? LOL. That one really made me laugh out loud.

Susan Sipal

You do know that a Muse is traditionally female, do you not? 🙂

Jessica Thomas

Funny interview. 🙂

It sounds like you’ve had a great year. Now, tell me your secret for garnering so many readers. I need HELP!

Tamara LeBlanc
Tamara LeBlanc

Congrats to the winners!!! Yippy for you all:)
What a cute post Jami. I got a nice chuckle out of a few of the q&a’s between you and Google.
I don’t have a blog as of yet ( I like you thought, think that I would have nothing to say. I might mumble incoherently like a drunk at a bar, all the while alienating potential fans…Eeeek, it’s a very frightening prospect, blogging) Anyhoo, thankfully, you have lots to say. And I’m glad you mentioned that you have loads of post ideas up your sleeves. I’m glad, because I hope your blog sticks around for many, many more years to come!
thanks for your wisdom and wit.
Have a great evening:)

Laura Pauling

Congrats Jami! For one full year. Awesome. And congrats to the winners.

M. Howalt

Congratulations! 🙂 – And also to the winners. I hope we’ll hear what they choose for their prizes.
That Google interview is priceless. Funny idea and well excecuted.

Kerry Meacham
Kerry Meacham

Happy Blogiversary Jami!!!!

Your help during this year has been inspiring and amazing. We discussed it yesterday in an email, so I won’t go into it again here. Everyone knows you’re awesome. Thank you and congrats.

Gene Lempp

Woot! *confetti explosion* Happy Blogiversary Jami!

I can’t begin to describe how much your site and your advice on Twitter have helped me over the past months. You are awesome (but then I know you knew that already *grins*).

Loved the interview, “muse pervert shower writer”, OMG! Hilarious 🙂

Sheila Seabrook

Happy Blogiversary to you, Jami, and congratulations to all the winners! Your first anniversary blog, along with your lesson on fear, have inspired me to put on my big girl boots and start my own blog.

Loved your Google interview of yourself!

Suzanne Johnson

Happy blogoversary, Jami! Your search terms were hilarious. I guess the favorite one I’ve ever had was “Russian vampire prostitutes”–somehow I missed that book. For the last few months, the most popular search term leading people to my blog has been “Tank Abbott,” who is a professional wrestler. I named my dog after him and mentioned him once over a year ago. I know all those wrestling fans are bitterly disappointed to see my blog!

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