Cover Design: 4 Tips to Keep in Mind — Guest: Renee Wittman
Even if we’ve read cover-design advice before, there’s always more to learn. Here are a few insights from Renee Wittman we might not have thought of before.
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Self-publishing insights, tips, and techniques. Sample topics: my Fiction University guest posts about Indie Publishing Paths, cover artist and editor selection advice, formatting issues, creating print versions, etc.
Even if we’ve read cover-design advice before, there’s always more to learn. Here are a few insights from Renee Wittman we might not have thought of before.
Pin ItLast summer, Amazon announced that CreateSpace was closing and merging with KDP. Now that CS is dead and the migration is over, let’s make sure our books are set up properly at KDP.
Pin ItThe Scrivener drafting programs helps writers track daily word count and hit targets, but it’s not always intuitive. Scrivener expert Gwen Hernandez is sharing her Scrivener tips for NaNoWriMo, including how to compile our draft—one of the trickiest aspects of Scrivener.
Pin ItWith all the obstacles in the way of our success, it can sometimes feel like we’re all alone in this career. But if we’re lucky, we might have the sense that our writing community and publishing partners are pulling for us too.
Pin ItA full editing process involves 3 or 4 steps, but if we could combine some of those steps, we could save money. Right? Lisa Poisso’s here sharing the pros and cons of editing combinations.
Pin ItAre we ready to hire an editor? To check, I’m sharing Part Two of Jeff Lyons guest post with the questions we should ask ourselves before hiring story help.
Pin ItIt’s hard to find an editor we can trust. To help, I’m sharing Part One of Jeff Lyons guest post with the questions we should ask before hiring story help, such as editors and consultants.
Pin ItMy series about Indie Publishing Paths at Fiction University has highlighted some of the choices we have to make as self-published authors, and now it’s time to summarize everything we’ve learned in a step-by-step plan.
Pin ItIn the writing and self-publishing world, writers encounter a lot of services that cost money. Some of them are solid resources that are worth it if they work for our processes. Others…? Not so much. That’s why it’s always nice to discover free resources or discounted services.
Pin ItMy series about Indie Publishing Paths at Fiction University has highlighted some of the choices we have to make as self-published authors, and now it’s time to pull all that information together and develop our “master plan.”
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