Need Advice from an Editor?
As we go through the editing process, we might have questions we wish we could ask a professional editor. How can we get our question answered?
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Agents, publishers, and publishing paths. Sample topics: traditional and self-publishing issues, e-publishers vs. agents, what platform “numbers” mean, small publishers, trends, understanding fan fiction, etc.
As we go through the editing process, we might have questions we wish we could ask a professional editor. How can we get our question answered?
Pin ItNot surprisingly, the RWA chaos has continued, and every day, more people are asking the question: Can RWA be saved? And if so, how?
Pin ItWhat’s going on with RWA? Here’s why all writers—even those who don’t write romance—should care about a situation that’s far beyond “in-fighting.”
Pin ItWhat makes someone a “real” writer or a “real” author? Let’s look at the question of what makes a writer “real” from a different perspective.
Pin ItJust like big companies, we all take wrong turns sometimes, no matter how much experience we have. Mistakes aren’t a reflection on us or our choices.
Pin ItContent warnings help readers find the types of stories they want. But how can we include them without spoilers—and what elements need warnings?
Pin ItIn many ways, a writing career has a lot in common with being an entrepreneur. Here are 6 entrepreneurship questions to apply to our writing career.
Pin ItIn the recent scandal known as #CopyPasteCris, Cristiane Serruya plagiarized a lot of books. We’re looking at how it happened and what (if anything) can be done to prevent it from happening again.
Pin ItLast summer, Amazon announced that CreateSpace was closing and merging with KDP. Now that CS is dead and the migration is over, let’s make sure our books are set up properly at KDP.
Pin ItPost-NaNo and editing, how do we want to publish our work? Deborah Makarios shares her insights into what Creative Commons is and how it might apply to authors and our stories.
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