What Do the Calls for Diversity Mean for Our Writing?

Quick tangent before today’s post: After two and a half months, the last post-house-flood construction finishes today (*fingers crossed* that I didn’t just jinx it…), and we should be able to “move in” to our first floor again on Monday. Yay!
And…and! After nearly four years, my dentist finalized the last step of rebuilding my mouth yesterday after a bone-disintegrating infection ate a hole in my jaw bone.
(If you’ve been following the saga of countless surgeries, crazy-desperate treatments, and multiple rejected implants… The experimental metal successfully tricked my bone into regrowing, and after 3 false starts of trying to find crown hardware that would hook into the non-standard implant, I finally have a complete smile again. *whew*)
So I’m not in the right mindset for a big post today, but I do want to touch on a recent controversy in the writing world that’s echoed the issues revealed by the RWA implosion. What do the calls for better handling of diversity and inclusion mean for our writing and story ideas?
The American Dirt Controversy
If you haven’t heard about the book American Dirt, here’s the relevant detail in regards to the controversy: The author is a woman who until recently identified as white (she now says she has a Puerto Rican grandmother), and she wrote a story about the Mexican immigrant experience.
What can the American Dirt controversy teach us about our writing ideas? Share on XI follow enough authors from diverse groups that I saw the initial criticism about American Dirt several weeks ago, as people pointed out the stereotypes and harmful portrayals. The complaints increased with news of the seven-figure payout to the author, the massive publicity push by the publisher, and especially after Oprah announced the book as one of her “picks.”
In other words, this book is on the fast track to success (and the recent negative publicity has only increased sales). What might be surprising is that its high level of support is part of the problem.
Why is all that success a problem?
For many, the level of support emphasizes the industry’s history of preferring stories about “diverse” experiences to be told through a white lens. Mexican-Americans who have written about the immigrant experience weren’t courted with seven-figure deals and nationwide tours, so it feels like their own stories are being stolen and sold by white authors.
Who “Gets” to Write Certain Ideas?
The controversy has revealed that the author herself questioned whether she was the right person to tell the story. But the conversation about that fact has led some to push back: “Does this mean I can’t write any character who’s not like me?”
Should we *not* write certain kinds of stories or characters? Share on XSo let’s state for the record what should be obvious (to those who aren’t being disingenuous): Anyone can write any story and characters they want. No one is stealing writing instruments to prevent authors from drafting their ideas.
However, no one is owed a criticism-free publication of their story. So we can go ahead and write what whatever we want, but also remember that any type of story can come with consequences. Look at toxic fandoms or Stephen King’s Misery premise for the many types of consequences in existence that have nothing to do with diversity.
Even if our portrayals are respectful and avoid stereotypes, a story where the premise is centered on a diversity-related experience we don’t share might be criticized for speaking for—and over—others with that experience. Those criticisms are valid.
As I’ve said before, as a white author, I know I’m not the right person to write stories about diversity, like where tackling complex diversity questions, goals, motivations, conflicts, and themes are the main point of the story. That doesn’t mean I’m not “allowed” to write those stories. I’m just acknowledging my limitations and whose voices should be centered with those stories.
This thread by David Bowles is a great look at why—even though he says in his first tweet that authors have the right to “write outside of their identity”—white authors taking on these stories of others’ experiences is such a huge concern:
It gets worse. Among those books featuring kids of color, white authors are prioritized over #ownvoices. 2017 statistics:
-only 29% of books w/ Black protagonists written by Black authors
-only 34% of books with Latinx protagonists by Latinx authors
And so forth.
— David Bowles (Mācuīl Ehēcatl) (@DavidOBowles) January 29, 2020
Only a single-digit percentage of stories feature characters from diverse communities. And only a third(ish) of those stories are actually written by authors from that community. The complaints are valid: Authors from marginalized communities aren’t being supported in telling their own stories.
The Strawman Arguments
Any time anti-bigotry messages gain steam, some push back with false arguments, such as the “so I can’t write any character who’s not like me?” complaint above. Their arguments try to establish themselves as victims, with their freedom impeded by not being allowed to do what they want.
We saw the same problem echoed throughout the RWA implosion. Some on the RWA forums and recent hashtags complained about the support for LGBTQ+ and/or non-white stories.
Their complaints were literally along the lines of: “But I don’t want to write/read those kinds of stories!”
Okaaay. So…don’t. *shrug*
This isn’t rocket science. Just as no one is preventing us from writing a story about diversity, no one is forcing us to write or read those stories either.
The problem comes in only when those complainers take that attitude to the level of proclaiming stories they don’t like are “less than.” Or when they refuse to hear or believe others’ experiences of harm.
Preferences are one thing; discrimination is something completely different. Discrimination takes the idea “Don’t yuk someone else’s yum” and dials it to eleventy billion.
What Should We Do with Calls for Diversity?
Obviously, as we hear the various arguments and complaints surrounding these recent controversies, we should watch out for strawman ideas, especially from those pushing back against progress. But there are other positive steps we can take as well:
- Yes, we should feel free to include characters with diverse identities…because that’s the real world, but we should also feel free to not include them…because no one is forcing us. If we include characters outside our experience, we should do our research, watch out for stereotypes, and avoid harm. Get it right, and be respectful.
- At the same time, we should be careful of trying to tell stories of another culture’s experiences for them…because that’s often disrespectful, or worse.
- Instead, we should boost the voices of diverse and/or #ownvoices authors: link to them, retweet them, share their words, etc.
- And of course, when we find books we like by diverse authors, we should support them: buy their books, promote their work, etc.
If we ignore the false arguments trying to draw conclusions and force choices that don’t really exist, the situation doesn’t have to be difficult at all. Calls for diversity and inclusion are an invitation to learn and improve ourselves, and there’s nothing wrong with that. *smile*
Have you ever questioned whether you’re “allowed” to write certain characters or story ideas? Have you ever decided against the attempt, and if so, why? Or if you went through with it anyway, how did it work out for you? Have you seen others make strawman arguments, setting up false choices? Can you think of other insights or advice on this topic?
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“However, no one is owed a criticism-free publication of their story.” This statement hits the crux of the discussion.
As a Latina, what I found anger-inducing in the AD discussion was the author’s and publisher’s initial reactions and defenses. They were not listening. The use of barb-wire for the centerpieces (used at book launch) was particularly hurtful as if the Mexican migrants’ experience was party-fare. Imagine if a rope and noose was used as a decorative item for a book describing an African American book on slavery.
A writer needs to do their homework, have a beta reader, and a sensitivity reader if they are making the main character someone outside their experience, culture, language. Further, a writer can ask these questions before they decide to write:
Why do you want to write from this character’s point of view?
Do you read writers from this community currently?
Why do you want to tell this story?”
Hi Mona.
Yes! Those publisher launch decorations were just… *shakes head* Everyone–from any community–should be disgusted by the idea, and yet someone thought of them and approved them, all without recognizing any problems.
In the other posts I linked to, I talked about research and sensitivity readers, but those questions to ask ourselves you mentioned are a great addition to our preparation list! I’ve also seen it pointed out that if our answer to #1 or #3 is “no one else is telling these stories,” we might want to look deeper and ask ourselves how well we’ve really done with #2.
Otherwise, a writer could fall into a “white savior” situation, thinking that we’re doing better at representing a community than those in the community. Often these stories do exist, and they just aren’t getting the support or promotion to help expose them to readers. Thank so much for sharing your insights and thoughts!
I’m so glad you’re making progress in your jaw healing at last! Yay!
You make really great points. I know in my own stories I struggle with the issue of how to write characters who don’t share my background as a white woman. I want to avoid unconscious biases and I certainly don’t want to appropriate an underrepresented group’s experiences or identity. Thanks for the other links, I’m hoping they’ll help in my search for answers!
Jami, thanks again for a well-thought-out description of one of the dilemmas facing authors today, as we all struggle with these issues. Your posts are so, so helpful!
Jami, once again, you distilled a difficult topic beautifully. I struggle all the time with the need to be respectful of other voices, as well as inclusive of diversity. I always include people unlike myself (white, middle class, living in the US) in my stories because I think it’s important to reflect real diversity. That said, I constantly question myself over those characters. Am I stealing from someone else’s culture? Should I tell THIS story or should someone else tell it? In the end, I just try to stay conscious of my motivations and how I’m portraying my characters. I don’t think that will make me immune to criticism because there will always be someone who can take offense. I just do what I can. And yes, that does include sensitivity readers and other readers unlike me.
Thanks Jami. I am glad you are well on the mend and so is your home! I hope that is the last repair either of you will need.
I generally don’t know the ethnic background of a writer when I pick up his/ her book. Even a name can give an impression but be a pen name. I happily read and review books about persons unlike myself; this broadens my intake of experiences, which is great for me personally and for my writing.
It’s all very well to say that anyone is free to write anything, but if the unspoken addition is “and we reserve the right to crucify you on Twitter if we deem you to have got anything wrong, be that a lack of diversity or an attempt at it which failed to please everyone,” then how much freedom is that, really?
You say it’s important to “Get it right” – but how do you do that when there is no one ‘right’? At least one Mexican-American author has spoken very highly of the contentious book you mention; others are incensed at it. Which Mexican viewpoint is the “right” one here?
I’m not saying writers shouldn’t try to step outside their own bubbles – and do so in a respectful, realistic way – but perhaps they would feel freer to try if they didn’t see others who do so being shot down in flames.
Of course, people should feel free to critique a book, but when it comes to book-tours being cancelled due to threats against the author, it’s gone past critique and straight into blood-in-the-water piranha feeding time.
On a more cheerful note, I’m glad your experimental jaw thingy was a success!
Hi Deborah, I agree that just as there’s no “one group is a monolith,” there’s also no one perspective of an experience that would “get it right.” And while threats are definitely not okay, I haven’t seen whether the threats actually exist (although I’m sure trolls are gonna troll, just because they hop onto every trending hashtag), or if it’s just white women scared of noisy POC. *shrug* One of the Facebook comments (from Tiffany Meuret) about the book worded the issue this way: “Many critics of the book would be happy to let it languish in mediocrity if other POC writers were given the same opportunities, if AD wasn’t positioned as the voice of the faceless brown masses as actual Latinx writers are actively discouraged by agents and publishers alike. The entire debacle is as much a critique of the industry as it is the book, and while that’s not all her doing, she has reaped many rewards from a backwards industry and will more opportunities to redeem herself just based on her sales alone that many writers never get even once.” I think Tiffany’s insight is a huge part of the “crucifying” and “shooting down in flames.” If this book were just one of many equal voices about the Mexican immigrant experience — if it didn’t claim to “speak for” the experience — people would be able to weigh its worth in comparison to other stories and appreciate or ignore as they saw fit. But because of the… — Read More »
“Honestly, I think more of the criticism should be directed at the publisher and industry in general.” I couldn’t agree more! For one thing, you don’t have to worry about the effect of vitriolic criticism on an industry’s mental and emotional wellbeing.
That said, I feel like it would be a healthier industry to work in if people focussed on boosting the books that represent people well (as you suggest), instead of just attacking those which fail to meet the unspoken standards. But it’s easier to tear down than to build up, and the Internet does tend to extremify human reactions.
Hi Deborah,
Isn’t that the truth. *sigh*
“Extremify” — what a superb word for it!
Thank you again Jami for a great blog post. You are my fav blogger bar none. Just so interesting and though provoking.
I agree, we should “feel free” to include diverse characters and how wonderful that is, but I fear that we are heading towards a moment in time where the publishing world will continue to be less and less tolerant about allowing authors to represents characters outside of their ethnic identity. I have shut down a book I was working on about Mexico — half way through first draft, characters fully developed — because I am too afraid of the repercussions. And I have a hispanic background, Spanish maiden name, etc… just not a Mexican one. It’s not worth it to even take the risk.
Hi Hero,
Aww, thanks so much for the kind words. <3
Yes, I wouldn't want the industry to frown on people writing about characters unlike themselves. We all should try to learn more about each other, and those of us who take writing seriously often work to improve our empathy for others to develop believable characters. Empathy can improve the situation, so I’m all for encouraging more. 😉
I saw an interesting comment about why this book is getting so much push back and I mentioned it in a reply above. I think that clarifies a big part of the problem, and it helps make the situation make more sense to me, so check it out if you think it might help explain it to you too. Thanks for the comment!
I didn’t question whether I was “allowed” to write certain characters until just now! My characters are set in a sci-fi world so I hope I have a little bit more leeway. But if my character has an Asian heritage that has reignited elements of the ancient Samurai and Mongolian warfarers, should I be worried about offending readers with an Asian heritage? I’m also a white author.
Hi Dawn,
You’re right that sci-fi has more leeway, but you’d still want to watch out for perpetuating negative stereotypes. For example, some sci-fi/fantasy stories have been criticized because the people of color in their story are depicted as more…savage, uncivilized, etc. than the white characters. That’s a problem no matter the genre.
Otherwise, the issue is usually harder to avoid if the story itself is meant to focus on a sensitive experience central to the group in question, and yet isn’t an experience the author shares. That’s especially so if the character/story/author claims to represent or speak for those silenced.
For a non-racial example, think of a coming-out story vs. a story with a gay protagonist. With the latter, the LGBTQ+ element is just a facet of their character, but with the former, the story is trying to tell a defining “story” of the group.
Make sense? 🙂 I hope that helps!
An Excellent treatment of what has become a heated, smoke and fury filled topic.
Most discussions I’ve seen on this subject have been Emotion charged Rants, with little sense or light.
I’m tempted to believe that the Writers involved in the Debate about “Sensitivity,” have appropriated the “Grievances of Others” (really quite impossible, who are the real Posers here) and cultivated a Root of Bitterness Culture in their own hearts against the wrongs that they imagine. Reading their polemics it sounded more like Liberal Guilt than actual knowlege speaking.
I’m acquainted with some First Nation writres who have legitimate concerns. Their voices were drowned out by the roar of the Appropriation Grievence Machine of Anglo writers.
But such is the human heart that we are given to Unbalanced Excess in our efforts to establish our own Social Righteousness with the Latest Cause Celeb.
As artists we in the writing community tend to be extreme.
We must Pray for balance and write to encourage it.
Your posting is a valiant effort to do that. Kudos.
Write on Sis.
Dave 😉