Could We Be a Good Editor?
Last week I wrote about how to find a good editor, partly as a rant against the flood of bad editors out there. It seems like everyone and their brother—and their second cousin three-times-removed—thinks they can be a freelance editor.
And if my inbox is any indication, the flood is only going to increase. Since that post, I’ve lost count of the number of messages, tweets, emails, etc. I’ve received from people thinking of becoming a freelance editor and asking for advice.
Yes, there are that many looking to join the flood. Seriously. I lost count.
Now I don’t say that to discourage anyone from going into editing. With the rise of self-publishing, the need for good freelance editors isn’t going to go away. However…
Just as I ranted last time about how too many editors aren’t that great, this continuing flood means that many of those considering becoming editors wouldn’t be that great either. Harsh, but true.
So how can we make sure we’re not one of those simply in it for the money, one of those delusional about our abilities, or one of those who would add to the tsunami of crap? How can we make sure we’d be one of the good editors?
(Even if you’re not planning on becoming an editor, this post might give you more ideas for how to judge a good one, or how to improve your beta reading/critiquing skills. *smile*)
5 Steps to Becoming a Good Editor
Being a good editor is very different from being a good writer, critique partner, or beta reader. Yes, there’s some overlap, but editing requires a certain skill set, and if we don’t have that, we’re not going to be helpful to authors.
So let’s take a look at the path someone might take in trying to become a good editor.
Step 1: Know Our Background
The first thing to ask ourselves is why we’re considering this path:
- Do we have a background in editing?
This isn’t required, but it can help us know the basics as well as our strengths and weaknesses. However, many with an editing education come from non-fiction, which is not terribly helpful for fiction editing. - Have we judged writing contests?
Again, this isn’t required, but seeing the scoring sheets of several contests can help us know what to look for and/or help train our brain for judging and analyzing stories. - Have we done lots of beta reading or critiquing for many different authors?
This one I’ll say is required unless we can say yes to the first question for fiction editing. If we don’t have this, why would we think we’d enjoy editing, much less be good at it? - Have others encouraged us to edit professionally?
While not required, feedback from those we’ve read for that “we’re the best or most helpful critiquer/beta reader they’ve ever had” might indicate we have natural talent. - Have we been a voracious reader for years?
This is probably another requirement. As Carradee points out in the comments below, reading creates exposure to stories that sink into our subconscious and help our innate knowledge base.
For comparison, I had a minor copy-editing job as a teenager, so I’ve developed my editing frame of mind for decades. I’ve judged dozens of entries for 8 different contests. I beta read or critiqued dozens more manuscripts for over 15 different authors before I started offering my editing services. And yes, many people encouraged me to edit professionally, and I’m lost without something to read in front of me (when desperate, I read cereal boxes *smile*).
That’s not to say a lesser background won’t cut it, but keep all that in mind for the next sections.
Step 2: Identify Our Natural Strengths
Next, we have to ask ourselves what type of editing we might be good at. When beta reading or critiquing:
- What types of suggestions do we typically make?
Are we nitpicky on grammar or word choice? Do we point out awkward sentences? Do we come up with ways to fix plot holes? Etc. - What issues can we identify without hardly trying?
Do we find missing words? Word echoes? Pacing issues? Missing emotional reactions? Flat descriptions? Weak turning points? Etc.
By discovering our natural strengths, we’ll know which type of editing might be a good fit for us: developmental editing, line-editing, copy-editing, or proofreading.
For comparison, I started in copy-editing, and I can do all types of editing. However, given my instincts for story structure, my natural talents lie in developmental editing.
Step 3: Ask Ourselves if We’re a Natural Editor
Before we go any further—before we spend time and effort developing our editing skills—we should determine whether we’re cut out for being an editor. Most people are not.
- Do we have a natural editing instinct?
This is required. Period. The End.
We can stuff a lot of knowledge into our brains, but knowledge alone doesn’t mean we have the ability to find issues. While knowledge will support and enhance what we can do naturally, we need an inherent ability to analyze X writing aspect—in our sleep. No amount of knowledge will create that instinct.
If you don’t find it difficult to turn off your natural editor when pleasure reading, you probably don’t have the natural instinct to be a good editor.
Sorry, but this post isn’t about how to be an editor. It’s about how to be a good editor. The industry already has enough so-so editors, and I’m not interested in encouraging more of those.
A good editor has to find nearly all the problems within their scope, not just some of the problems. And that means we have to think problems are so easy to find that they’re blindingly obvious—like blinking lights. If we have to work hard to find problems, we’ll miss too many.
For comparison, underdeveloped plot points or character arcs stand out to me like a bum note clanging through a song. I can pick out a single line in a 100K manuscript and say “Here’s your theme.” When reading, I can see the underlying story structure and know which scenes are unnecessary, slowing down the plot, or destroying the story tension with one eye closed.
It’s as easy for me to see those problems as it is to read. No exaggeration.
Step 4: Gather Knowledge about Our Editing Scope
If we’re still here after that discouraging note of Step 3, we now have to build the knowledge to support our instinct. Instinct allows us to hear the bum notes; knowledge allows us to identify the offending instrument, know how to fix it, and give suggestions on how to improve the whole orchestra.
Our strengths from Step 2 directed us to which type of editing we might have the natural talent for. If that still sounds like the right direction for us, we’d:
- Check websites of other editors for that same type of editing.
What kind of issues do they mention pointing out for their clients? Learn what’s within the scope of that type of editing and what’s not. - Make a master list of all the things our type of editing should look for and/or be able to find.
This list will be different for each type of editing. Visit at least 10-20 websites of that type of editor to ensure we have the full list of necessary abilities. - Study all the skills necessary for our type of editing.
If we want to be a copy editor, we should be on a first name basis with all grammar rules, know the differences between the various styles (Chicago, AP, MLA, etc.) and learn the appropriate rules for our target market (fiction or non-fiction). Etc.
If we want to be a developmental editor, we should know story structure, beat sheets, tricks for fixing pacing, conflicts, character development, etc. forward, backward, and inside out. Etc., etc. etc. *smile* - Learn the tools for communicating our suggestions.
For most self-published authors, they expect to deal with their freelance editors through Microsoft Word. Know MS Word shortcuts, how to use comments and track changes, etc. - Practice with beta reading and/or critiquing.
Give away our abilities for free until we’re able to find with ease every kind of issue within the scope of our type of editing. Practice until we’re confident with our skills.
Looks like a lot of work, doesn’t it? But that’s what it takes to edit at the professional level. Anything else is just poking at random things with a red pen to see what sticks out to us.
Sure, those other editors will find some things, but they won’t find nearly everything. And that so-so level of editing doesn’t help the author or the flood of delusions about editing quality and qualifications.
For comparison, I knew story arc instinctively when I first started, but it took years to develop the knowledge to support that instinct and be able to analyze, fix, and improve story issues. My blog posts and worksheets give evidence of how well I now understand story structure and beats, character development, story and character arcs, conflicts, goals, themes, etc., and just as it took years to write all those posts, it takes years to develop the necessary knowledge.
Step 5: Strive to Be a Good Editor
Congratulations! If we’ve made it this far, we now have the basic qualifications to be an editor. A few additional traits will help us be a good editor:
- Are we able to give blunt, honest feedback to everyone?
We shouldn’t be mean, but if we struggle with being honest, we won’t do authors any favors. We have to tell the truth as we see it, even if they’re our friends or someone who paid us money. Honestly, this part is often no fun at all. - Are we able to give reasons and suggested fixes for issues we find?
Finding issues is hard enough, but can we also help fix the problem? That means being able to analyze and discover the underlying issue.
An editor might say “This section reads flat.” A good editor might say “This section reads flat because we’re missing her emotional reaction here—how does she feel about her mother’s words? Betrayed? Angry? Scared? Show the reader how she feels.” - Are we able to respect the author’s voice and intentions?
Just because the writing isn’t how we’d do it doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Developmental editors need to respect the story’s premise, themes, and what the author’s trying to say with their story. Copy editors have to respect the author’s voice for word choice, rhythm, etc.
If we feel the need to change something that isn’t broken, we have to give a reason why. We’re supposed to make their story better, not change it into our story.
- Do we know our limitations?
We’re not going to be the right editor for every story or every author. We’re going to be more comfortable in certain genres or with authors of certain skill levels. We’re not going to be equally qualified for every type of editing. Do we have hot button issues that would make it difficult to be objective on some stories? We need to communicate our limitations to authors. - Can we be humble?
No matter how much we think our suggestions are perfect and the answer to everything wrong with a story, we should deliver our suggestions with the attitude of “Here’s how I see it, but maybe I’m misunderstanding what you’re trying to do.” This approach helps authors listen to our feedback less defensively.
When combined with the technique of giving reasons for our suggestions, they’ll question whether their reason for doing something is more important than our suggestion. Being humble might help the author take our advice.
For comparison, this step is where I’ve grown the most over the past two years. I don’t claim to be perfect about any of these steps, but I do try my best.
After all our training and knowledge, it’s hard to be humble sometimes. Especially when we have the instincts to know the effect our suggested changes would have.
But as a freelance editor, we’re just the hired help. The story isn’t our baby, and we might be wrong about what the author is trying to do. Sometimes we have to let go of our ideas and suggestions.
A good editor listens to the story, the characters, and the author just as much as they listen to their instincts and knowledge. A good editor embraces the traits of Step 5 to earn the trust of the author. And all of that is why just knowing about writing isn’t enough to be a good editor. *smile*
Do you disagree with any of my steps or requirements? Do you agree that a natural instinct is required? Am I missing any steps or suggestions for how to complete this path? Do you have other qualifications or traits to add? Do you have questions about any aspect of this path?
Full Disclosure: Yes, I do developmental editing, but I’m not even linking to my services page. This is simply a rant on how not to be delusional about whether we’re qualified to be an editor. *smile*
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Oh, it’d be very good to find an editor who can give suggestions whilst still letting you follow your own voice and style. So I agree that’s very important. Hmm, well since I’m the type of person who doesn’t believe there is such a thing as natural talent (I think I told you about Ericsson’s 10, 000 hour rule), I’m inclined to say that all the “natural instincts” for editing comes from some kind of practice or extensive experience or exposure we’ve had in the past, rather than something we were born with. But if anything is innate, it might be our personality. Some people might just be more interested in editing in general than others. I know that I myself am FAR more interested in writing than in editing, lol. Not that I dislike the latter, as it can be fun too, but I am clearly nowhere near as passionate about editing as some other people! 😀 And also, when I read books, I already told you how I have a problem of noticing the positives but being quite blind to the negatives unless it’s really THAT bad. I think this positive bias is partly because I subconsciously just want to enjoy the story, and partly because of my personality orientation towards life in general: I tend to see the bright side more clearly than the dark sides; you could say I’m a rose-tinted glasses type of person, haha, so clearly that’s not going to be helpful to authors… — Read More »
Hi Serena, I don’t disagree about “natural instincts” partly coming from our personality and/or interest. Some people find analyzing the movies they see for plot holes “fun” and some don’t. 😉 As you–and others here–have said in my posts about beta reading, some people simply have a harder time picking things out from stories–good, bad, or both. It’s that natural “pickiness” that I’m referring to in regards to having a natural instinct. Maybe that natural ability to find problems is driven by personality or exposure, but if we don’t already possess that ability when we start down the path of being an editor, the chances of us being able to develop that ability from ZERO to being able to find virtually ALL issues in a reasonable timeframe are about…well, ZERO. 🙂 Those who can become an editor in a matter of a couple of years must have already been honing that ability to be picky about story issues for 5, 10, or more years first. That way they’re not starting from ZERO ability to look for problems at all. Instead they’re just learning the knowledge necessary to be able to know what problems to look for. All that said, I’ve often mentioned that I’m a Pollyanna in life and an optimist in general, so my instinct doesn’t come from general negativity–but quite probably from my perfectionism. 😀 Personally, I do point out both the good and the bad points when I edit, but I’m not sure if other editors do… — Read More »
Haha natural pickiness and perfectionism. XD Yeah it’s debatable whether that is a personality trait or a talent/ability…It’s like if you’re a naturally calm person, is that a talent? Because it means you have the ability to be calmer than many other people in stressful situations, which might give you the ability to make wiser judgments during adversity. I totally agree with you that you can’t become an editor when you’re still at the zero level. Wow, I thought it was common sense that you can’t become an editor before you’re properly prepared in some way…lol. Guess not everybody appreciates that editing is a challenging job! D: “Those who can become an editor in a matter of a couple of years must have already been honing that ability to be picky about story issues for 5, 10, or more years first. That way they’re not starting from ZERO ability to look for problems at all.” Yeah, I agree with this too. An editor with no prior training…is not an editor at all, lol. 😀 I’m glad you’re one of those editors who DO take the time to give authors positive comments too! As authors need to know what they’re doing right and should continue doing as well as what they should stop doing. I wish more of my English lit profs would give more positive comments on our papers too, though I understand that they have a lot of students’ papers to mark in a very tight timeframe, so…But still,… — Read More »
Oh just to add to the Frozen comment, after rereading your post on Frozen, I realized I forgot about how Elsa also commented on the rashness of marrying someone you just met, and how yes, Hans did talk about how he feels neglected as the thirteenth prince of…wherever he came from.
But indeed, something to make the character motivation MORE SALIENT AND NOTICEABLE would make the plot twist easier to accept.
Hi Serena,
Exactly! Just a little bit more would have made it seem like part of the story instead of a random idea stuck in for the plot’s sake. 🙂 Thanks for the comment!
Hi Serena,
That’s unfortunately true. I see this problem a lot in developmental editing especially. Someone wants to earn extra money so they decide to become an editor. But the grammar rules of being a copy editor intimidate them, so they decide to become a developmental editor instead because they figure it’s “easier.” *sigh*
It’s like they think that if they can make any suggestions for improvement to an author that they’re qualified. When really they’re glorified beta readers who just charge for their time. *double sigh*
LOL! at your Frozen reaction. Yep, I told you. 🙂 Thanks for the comment!
O_O People think that developmental editing is easier??? I got the impression that it was actually HARDER, especially as for copy editing, there seems to be more of a clear “right or wrong answer” (though sometimes people can debate about grammar in sentences), but for developmental editing, it’s not about “right or wrong” but about “better or worse”, and that what’s better and what’s worse can differ for different readers! Developmental editing sounds VERY tough to me! :O
Hi Serena,
They’re both hard in their own way, but you’re right that the lack of set rules makes it harder to learn the nuances. At the same time, that lack of “right” or “wrong” makes it easier for people to fake it or delude themselves about their knowledge. :-/ Thanks for the comment!
my belief that there is no such thing as natural talent, and that the only thing that may be natural is one’s personality (though even personalities can change), is only my belief I agree, though I look at it from another angle. Though I do believe some people’s learning styles and backgrounds naturally incline them to having more “talent”, that’s all built from personality. (And for the record, I can often ID a writer’s learning style and sometimes even disabilities from looking at their work. Writing shows a lot more than people realize.) Talent is also dangerous. Someone who is told they’re talented and therefore relies on that talent will face far more risk of stagnating, never improving (either because they don’t think they need to or because they don’t know where to find someone who can tell them what they need). I’ve said before that I’ve probably read 2500+ books in my life. That’s where my writing and editing “talent” comes from. I’ve edited a handful of debut authors who were fantastic writers from the debut story…and they all read. Some authors who impressed me with their debut stories—and though I don’t know the circumstances with all of them, at least one of them handed me their first story ever; admitting which one will defeat the purpose here: • Dan Harris • Jennifer Recchio • Elizabeth Corrigan • Mary Fan • Jason Anderson (okay, technically I proofread rather than edited this one). The common denominator? They read. What the… — Read More »
Hi Carradee,
As I mentioned to Serena, whether we call it instinct/talent, personality, or exposure, I believe we need to have been honing an ability to be picky about story issues before we start down the path of becoming an editor. If someone’s not currently able to pick out story issues, they’re starting from ground zero in not only having to learn what to look for, but also having to learn how to listen to their inner editor when it comes to others’ stories.
Could they eventually learn both of those aspects and become a good editor? Sure. But it’d be at least 5-10 years down the line, and most people asking me for advice want to hang up an “Editor” shingle in the next couple of months.
Obviously, as I point out in my post in Step 4, I completely agree with you about talent not being the end-all-be-all. Talent is simply the starting point off which to attach our constantly growing knowledge base. “Hey, Instinct, here’s another thing to look for. And another thing. And another thing.” 🙂
That’s a fantastic point about READING being an important point of our Background in Step 1. In fact, I’m going to add that to the list. 😀
Thanks for the great comment, and thanks for the addition!
Oh, I agree entirely. But that honing isn’t exactly “talent” and can be learned, if someone wants to learn it.
Hi Carradee,
Very true. And I don’t want to get hung up on the scientific definition of “instinct” as “being born with it.” Rather, my use of “instinct” here means “doing something without conscious thought.”
This ability could come from loads of experience, like the brain’s version of muscle memory, or it could come from interest or being born with the ability.
Where the ability comes from doesn’t matter so much as the idea that if an editor has to find things by conscious thought, they’re going to miss too many problems. A so-so editor can certainly practice and reach the point of being able to find problems automatically, but it will take time.
And personally, I wouldn’t want to pay someone to find only a fraction of my story’s problems. If I’m going to pay someone, I want them to find virtually everything within their scope. That’s my definition of a good editor, as far as this aspect. 🙂 Thanks for the comment!
“Very true. And I don’t want to get hung up on the scientific definition of “instinct” as “being born with it.” Rather, my use of “instinct” here means “doing something without conscious thought.””
Mmm, okay. I like the “unconsciously doing it” definition much better than the “born with it” one. 😀
Hi Serena,
Yes, maybe it was a bad word choice, but I couldn’t think of a better one. 🙂 Thanks for the comment!
Hmm, what about “intuition”? XD Lol.
Hi Serena,
AH! Yes, there you go. See? One of those other words that start with an “I”–LOL! *head desk* Thanks for the comment!
“I’ve said before that I’ve probably read 2500+ books in my life. That’s where my writing and editing “talent” comes from. I’ve edited a handful of debut authors who were fantastic writers from the debut story…and they all read.
The common denominator? They read.”
😀 Thanks for this comment. Gives me more hope that I can become a more helpful beta reader given more experience, haha.
And wow, 2500+ books! 😀 I still have a long way to go to get that far, lol.
Okay Jami, I’m having an emotional day (Not your fault!) but one question I feel civil enough to ask right now is this- Where’s line between a helpful beta-reader and a great editor beyond just the nitty-gritty grammar stuff? What can beta-readers do if we don’t have some of those inherent skills? I wasn’t born knowing how to do video but I’ve been learning that skill and I think I’m getting better (If you’ve seen my videos one of my YouTube Channels or the welcome video on my website linked to all my comments here) I’m especially thinking of writers just getting started who already feel like they need tons of help just get their barrings with the process, when does any ol feedback matter versus people who are pursuing the writing you want to do? For those of us who can’t afford (Assuming we’re talking about the great ones) up to last week you’ve said beta-reading When I read your query letter you said I’d helped. I certainly don’t have your skillset as an editor. It might’ve helped that I knew what one was (LOL) and wrote dozens of my own, but you said my feedback was helpful, and I don’t read as much romance as you, particularly the erotic kind, yet I was helpful to you in some way. I’m glad, since I get a lot out of your blog, even the stuff that frankly scared me to death (I’m thinking back to the post about plagarists and… — Read More »
Hi Taurean, “Where’s line between a helpful beta-reader and a great editor beyond just the nitty-gritty grammar stuff?” That’s a great question! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to address that. 🙂 As I said in the post, people who don’t have the full knowledge base and the ability to find nearly ALL the problems will find some issues. Those people are great beta readers, but only so-so editors. With beta readers, we don’t expect ONE beta reader to find EVERY issue. That’s why we try to have multiple beta readers, typically 3-5 or so. We hope that those multiple eyes with various skill sets, knowledge base, and abilities will pick up nearly every issue between them all. However, with editors–as we’re paying them!–we don’t want to have to pay for 3 developmental editors, etc. We want to pay just one editor for any single stage of editing. 🙂 So that ONE editor has to be able to find nearly ALL the issues on their own to be worth the money. If they’re catching less than 80-90% of the issues within their scope, they’re not worth paying for because they’re missing too many problems. They might be better than a standard beta reader, but they’re still not good enough to edit for money–on a professional level. Does that make sense? Can glorified beta readers call themselves editors and try to make some extra money? Sure. That’s what 60-80% of editors I see entering the field do. But they’re not… — Read More »
“But improved does not equal “the best it can be.” For that, an editor has to be able to find nearly all the OPPORTUNITIES for improvement–not just fixing the problems, but also finding the areas to strengthen the good things already there.
It’s one thing for a developmental editor to be able to find and give suggestions on fixing a broken Black Moment. It’s an entirely different thing to be able to see a Black Moment that works but give suggestions on how to improve it by tying in the theme or adding more character internalization to strengthen their arc, etc.
I just came by and want to say–this is beautiful! This idea of a developmental editor seeing something that already works WELL, but being able to point out specific ways to make it EVEN STRONGER! I don’t know. I just felt that that was very beautiful so I couldn’t resist commenting here, haha. *Daydreaming about the day when I’ll be able to afford this kind of developmental editor :D*
Lol, that was random! XD
P.S. Your black moment example immediately reminded me of your Frozen post, lol.
Hi Serena,
Yes, and the ability to see opportunities along these lines isn’t something that most people possess. That’s why I say that the vast majority of developmental editors aren’t qualified beyond being glorified beta readers. 🙁
I hope you’ll be able to reach that point to have a good developmental editor too! 🙂 Thanks for the comment!
“I hope you’ll be able to reach that point to have a good developmental editor too!”
Thanks! ^^
“Yes, and the ability to see opportunities along these lines isn’t something that most people possess. That’s why I say that the vast majority of developmental editors aren’t qualified beyond being glorified beta readers.”
🙁 I’m grateful that SOME developmental editors possess this ability, at least. 🙂
Hi Serena,
I just wish there were more of them. 🙂 Thanks for the comment!
Such a great post, Jami. You know, I’ve had some really enlightening editing experiences this year, all of them positive in one way or another. Out of the three, two of them have shown me just how valuable a skilled editor is. Classes and critique partners are great–think commercial grade workout equipment when you’re trying to skinny down for swimsuit season. But a good editor? That’s your personal trainer. And when you go to put on that swimsuit, you’ll look pretty damned good!
My other experience taught me that just because someone calls themselves an editor does not mean they automatically bring value to the table. Find out what they really know about the business before you dive in.
Hi Rhenna,
Great point! And as I mentioned in my reply to Taurean, I think even so-so editors can teach us things.
The question for us as authors is whether we want to pay someone to find only some of the things, or if we pay for it, do we expect them to find nearly everything? That’s the dividing line between so-so and good. 🙂
Some authors will be happy to pay for any improvement, some expect more. Thanks for the comment!
As one of the delusional flood, this post is actually heartening. I expect difficulty when considering freelancing and entrepreneurship in general. But I’ve been told by many to try my hand at it, and my biggest coach in it was a managing editor for a literature magazine (Thus why I’d even start the process, her opinion is already important to me).
I believe a natural drive is key to a lot of tasks, not just editing.
Point 3 though was probably the most heartening part of this post, since one of my key metrics for how much I enjoy a book or story is how quickly and completely I can shut off my inner editor while reading it.
Hi Patrick,
Yay! I’m happy you found this helpful. 🙂
Again, none of this was meant to say “don’t do it,” or “if you don’t have X, you can never do it.” It’s more to give those interested a path they can follow to reach that “good editor” level.
Also, for those of us who want to be good editors, I hope this gives us some idea of how to benchmark ourselves so we feel more confident about being able to justify asking for money. Some editors might not care about that ethical side of things, but if I’m going to charge someone money, I want to make sure they’re getting their money’s worth. 🙂
Oh yes, I agree completely about how a really good story does make it easier to turn off the inner editor. Even when I edit, I sometimes discover that I’ve been so wrapped up in the story that I forgot to make comments. I then go back and do the editing thing–and let the author know about the good sign of the quality of their story. 🙂 Thanks for the comment!
That ethical standard is really important to me! It’s actually why I kept dragging my feet in setting things up for myself.
Hi Patrick,
I understand! 🙂
Like I said, I hope this gives you some ideas to make sure you have all the skills and knowledge you need. 🙂 Thanks for the comment!
Hi Jami, I really appreciated this post and your last one. It seems like everyone these days who has published a book (traditional, self-published) or has a degree in English automatically think they can edit. I have been a free-lance edit for about two years through word of mouth. I am currently working on a website. It’s going slowly because I have limited funding and no experience designing websites. I’ve read at least thirty books on the craft and some specifically on editing. That’s how it started. I wanted to learn how to edit my own work. Then I spent several years beta reading and in writing critique groups. I joined for help with my own writing and discovered I had a knack for editing. I think the bulk of my education when it comes to editing came with countless hours of helping others improve their manuscript. It really prepared me the manuscript I am editing now. It’s middle grade book with a character with a unique voice. His voice is wordy. It has been a tremendous challenge to trim down this worm’s dialogue without losing the author’s and character’s voice. I never could have done it without all those years of helping others for free. I’ve sent in samples of my writing when looking for editors to have them send back a copy that was not improved and offer to charge me $5.00 a page so they can exchange one word for another without enhancing my work. I’ve also… — Read More »
Hi Laurie,
Exactly. It is scary to see how many delusional people there are–and I say that not to be mean, but to tell people: “Hey, if you’re going to charge people money, make sure you know what you’re doing first. Don’t just think you know.” 🙂
Anything less is–to me–unethical, unless they’re letting their clients know that they’re not a professional-level editor. I’ve never seen anyone admit that, but if they did, at least they wouldn’t be misleading authors anymore.
Thanks for sharing your insights. I feel like I’m being mean and ranty by harping on the fact that so many editors are delusional. LOL! So I appreciate knowing I’m not the only one seeing this issue. 🙂 Thanks for the comment!
AWESOME POST. Editing is a VERY different skill set and it’s more than putting in missing commas. It is tough to find editors who aren’t trying to inject their voice and who can almost be chameleons to our voice and make OUR voice the best it can be.
I know when I help people with development I have to be VERY careful. I always want them telling the story THEY originally wanted to tell, though maybe a more streamlined version.
Hi Kristen,
Great point about the skill to honor an author’s voice being such a tricky one. As authors, we often have to work to make our voice as strong as possible, but as editors, we have to do the opposite. 🙂 Thanks for the comment!
Great post and great comments. Even a visit from Kristen herownself! She is so right that many editors merely try to inject their own voice. They’re wannabe writers who are using your work to project their own voice, not polish yours.
It’s about streamlining, not changing.
And I know some writers who are simply the bossiest person in their own critique group feel they’re qualified to edit.
One way to tell if an editor is going to be right for you is their ability to see what’s RIGHT with a book. If all their comments are negative, they’re not going to help, and they could do you a lot of harm.
So I’d add to your questions: can you be positive and encouraging, even when a manuscript needs a lot of work? And can you turn down a book when you know you don’t like it enough to do it justice? (I guess that falls under “knowing your limitations.”
Hi Anne,
Yes, you’re so right about some editors being the bossy types: “I’m right and you’re wrong.” That’s one reason why I think the ability to be humble and recognize that we might be wrong is an important part of the skill set too.
I know as an author, a beta reader might misinterpret what I was trying to do (the phrase “I meant to do that” often escapes my lips–LOL!), and the same thing can happen when we act as editors. I’ve heard back from editing clients with that same phrase, and at that point, all I can do is point out how that approach might make their story less marketable or something. But that’s their choice, and they have every right to tell the story they want to tell. 🙂
Those are great additions to the list! Yes, an editor should give feedback on what works as well as what doesn’t. And as you said, even if a story needs a lot of work, we can be encouraging about how it’s possible to fix it. Thanks for the great comment!
This is a great post. Good for you for being bold enough to speak honestly.
Many of the qualities you listed are good for any kind of fiction editor to have. The only thing that gave me pause is you just said ‘editor,’ then went on the describe a content editor as if they’re the only kind.
I’ve been looking into editing services (I’ve begun to freelance), and I’m learning the nuances of that craft. It is possible for someone with an eagle eye for spelling and grammar and a reasonable understanding of fiction to be a proofreader or even a copy editor (awkward phrasing, repeated words, POV errors, etc.) without needing to have the skill of developmental editing. Many writers don’t need that if they have good instincts and good CPs. Sometimes, all the really need is a decent proofread.
Anyhow, I’m a detail person–it’s difficult for me to see the forest for the trees. I tell this to my clients and adjust my fee accordingly. 😉
Hi Melissa,
As a developmental (content) editor, I’m obviously most familiar with that side of things. However, I tried to give examples for copy editing as well (which is the other type I’m most familiar with). So yes, the points of this post should be applicable to any kind of fiction editing. 🙂
I don’t think any one person can do all editing types equally well. So as I explained in Step 2 and Step 4, we need to figure out our strengths and study the elements that fall into the scope of that type of editing.
In other words, yes, I agree completely that copy editors and proofreaders don’t need the skill set of developmental editing, and I was trying to give examples for the different types. I’m sorry if that didn’t come across clearly to you, and thanks for making sure that was clear for others. 🙂 Thanks for the comment!
Great post Jami!
I do a lot of beta/critique reading for free. Sometimes I’ll see stories after a “professional” editor has already provided feedback.
Authors, do your due diligence before hiring an editor. Get referrals and testimonials at a minimum. Because some editors, even popular ones, shouldn’t be trusted to edit a grocery list.
Great list of points. Rating myself on your list:
Step 1: 80% Yes
Step 2: 90% Yes
Step 3: Yes
Step 4: A mix of Meh, Ugh, and Yes
Step 5: Yes, Hell Yes (re: voice), and I’m awesome at being humble!
Given my answers to #4, I’ll stick with beta/critique reading. Especially as I’m not interested in line editing. I can do a decent job of it, but it’s no fun. I much prefer focusing on the characters and the world building.
Speaking of beta reading… Guess what story I finally opened today. 🙂
Hi TechGuy,
I wouldn’t expect anyone to get 100% on Step 2, as the point of those questions are figuring out which areas we’re naturally good at–nitpicky line/copy editing stuff or big picture developmental editing stuff. So your answers look great for a beta reader!
*snort* at your awesome humbleness. 😉 I hope you enjoy your read! Thanks for the comment!
Great post, Jami. I would point out that for most of us, these skills can take years to master. I have a background as a copy-editor/magazine assistant editor, have two degrees in writing, and I’ve been a crit partner/beta reader since grad school–and I’m still amazed how much more I have to learn. I could serve as a nonfiction editor or a copy-editor again in a heartbeat. But I know I’m not quite ready to be a fiction editor yet.
I think it comes down to this: For a story to truly come alive in the reader’s heart and imagination, every aspect has to be great. Some writers are naturals at dialogue or world-building or description or structure, but a good story can’t just have one strong element. ALL of those elements have to be strong or the story won’t sing. And that’s where a GOOD editor comes in. Whether that person is a freelancer hired by an indie author or an editor at a publishing house depends on that writer’s chosen path, but I still think the author-editor relationship is a necessity in this industry.
Thanks for what will be a helpful post for many.
Hi Denise,
Great point! We can’t be good at all aspects of storytelling, so we need the help of good editors to fill in the blanks. 🙂 Thanks for the comment!
I never really looked at this side of editing. You really opened my eyes to the craft behind critiquing, and it’s funny, I just finished writing a critique not an hour ago. Some of the things you outlined are exactly how I approach editing, especially about turning off the urge to edit when reading for pleasure. I found after critiquing for so long, I can’t read any of my favorite books without pointing out red flags. I don’t think I’d be a great editor— I’ll leave that to the professionals— but I do find joy in sharing a critique with fellow peers, even if it just to see the level of talent I’m writing up against. Thanks for the great insight!
Hi Aaron,
It’s funny you mention that you haven’t been able to read your favorite books without seeing red flags. I’ve become much less of a re-reader since developing my skills. I haven’t re-read a single favorite book from my pre-author days, and I suspect it’s because I fear this scenario and becoming disappointed by a keeper book.
Yes, I still do more beta reading than professional editing just because, as you said, I do find joy in sharing my thoughts with my friends. 🙂 Thanks for the comment!
[…] needed to write the last couple of posts about finding a good editor and what it takes to be a good editor because I’ve seen and heard too many horror stories from authors who were misled by […]
[…] Could We Be a Good Editor? fab post by Jami Gold. Truly great info if you’re looking to become a good editor. Wish I could just do better editing myself! lol. […]
I thought about setting up as an editor but to be frank I don’t think I have the qualities. I’m easily distracted for a start, which is a bad thing. I’ll be reading something and my mind will wander off. I think you have to have a certain gift for it and accept when you don’t. Will keep to writing and leave the editing to those with the skills.
Hi G.S.,
That’s a great insight into yourself. Editing–especially developmental editing–does take a certain ability to make our subconscious reactions conscious. That’s not a skill many have (and yet many go into developmental editing because they think it’s “easier” to do than learning all those pesky grammar rules *sigh*).
That said, we can always learn more about editing, no matter what. The more we know about writing craft, the better our writing will be and the better we’ll be able to judge whether an editor we’re looking to hire is any good. That’s a good skill for us all to have. 🙂 Thanks for sharing and thanks for the comment!
[…] few weeks ago, I posted about how we can identify a good editor and the skills a good editor should possess. During those posts, a conversation with fellow developmental editor Stacy Jerger gave me another […]