
January 21, 2016

Giveaway! James Patterson’s Writing Masterclass

James Patterson Teaches Writing banner with text: Masterclass Giveaway!

If Facebook or Google know from our browsing habits that we’re a writer, chances are we’ve seen the ads for James Patterson’s Writing Masterclass. No matter what we think about his writing style (he admits he’s not a stylist), we have to admit the man knows how to tell stories that keep millions of readers turning pages.

This past weekend, I entered Maddie Cochere‘s contest for a giveaway of his class. Much to my surprise, I won!

I almost never win giveaways, so I nearly forgot how to react. Granted it wasn’t a winning $1.5 billion dollar Powerball ticket, but this class is worth $90, so I’ll take it. *smile*

However, as I’ve posted about recently (and as my many writing tools attest), I’m a compulsive giver. So rather than keeping this prize for myself, I’ve decided to turn around (with Maddie’s blessing) and pass on this prize to someone else. Yep, you heard that right…

Giveaway! James Patterson’s Masterclass

Given my background knowledge, I think some of my readers would benefit from this class more than I would, so I’d like to let one of you have the opportunity to learn about writing from James Patterson. I haven’t taken this class, so I can’t give a review or state who this class might be best for, but this post provides more information.

Also, check out his introduction to the class:

And here’s a snippet of one of the lessons:

His lessons cover many craft topics, such as: recognizing a great idea, plotting, research, outlining, writer’s block, character creation, first lines, dialogue, building a chapter, writing suspense, book endings, and editing.

He also includes several publishing topics, such as: working with a co-author, getting published, book titles and covers, marketing, and working with Hollywood.

Sound like a class you’d like to take? Here’s your chance…

How to Enter:

As thanks to my blog readers, I’ve left it easy to enter. To enter the giveaway for one finish-on-your-schedule seat in James Patterson’s Masterclass (value $90), leave a comment below!

Tell me why you want to win, share how you heard about this giveaway, or just say hi. It will all count. *smile*

How to Earn Extra Entries:

As thanks to my fiction readers, I’m offering extra entries to those who support me by buying and reviewing my books. However, I don’t want to do a formal Rafflecopter, where I have to verify if someone did what they said, so I’ll keep this to the honor system. *grin*

Want to earn an extra entry or two? In your comment, let me know…

  • if you’ve purchased one or more of my books, tell me which one(s).
  • if you’ve reviewed one or more of my books (on Amazon or Goodreads), tell me which one(s).

Entries close in one week: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 at Midnight Eastern (New York) time.

Good luck and thanks for reading! (And thanks to Maddie for the win so I could share this with you!)

P.S. There are multiple pages of entries/comments, so if you don’t see yours, don’t panic. *smile* The “Next Comments” link below will take you to the others.

Had you heard of this class before? Is it something you want to take? Have you already taken this class? How was it? Do you have any insights to share?

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