Get a Sneak Peek of My New Romance Workshop!
Get a free sneak peek at my new workshop on the Romance Beat Sheet at the Romance Writers Summit, an online event of writing craft advice.
Pin ItWhere Normal Need Not Apply
Get a free sneak peek at my new workshop on the Romance Beat Sheet at the Romance Writers Summit, an online event of writing craft advice.
Pin ItLet’s say this only once: Repetition and redundancy in our writing is a problem, but we can learn how to avoid the issue.
Pin ItDownloaded over 60,000 times, my Romance Beat sheet helps writers of all levels build romance stories. But how do we use this extremely popular tool?
Pin ItOnce we know what our character’s backstory makes them think they could never do, we know how to show their path of change and growth over the story.
Pin ItThere’s no wrong way to get to “The End” when drafting our book. That includes how some think about chapters as they write and some think about scenes.
Pin ItWhat makes someone a “real” writer or a “real” author? Let’s look at the question of what makes a writer “real” from a different perspective.
Pin ItHow detailed is too detailed when it comes to planning our story? What can we can learn about leaving our options open as we draft our story?
Pin ItTo hear some authors talk, we’d think there are strict plotters and strict pantsers and nothing in between, but there’s really no end to the mix of approaches we can use in our drafting.
Pin ItSome writers plan their worldbuilding details in advance. Others…not so much. How can we worldbuild when we write a series by the seat of our pants?
Pin ItWorldbuilding means we have to create the “rules” for our characters and their story world. How can we can develop our story’s world to make it feel real?
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