My series about Indie Publishing Paths at Fiction University has highlighted some of the choices we have to make as self-published authors, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed when faced with so much uncertainty. So where do we start?
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One way we can keep our readers from one book to the next is to start a “new release” newsletter. But first, we have to know the best practices for newsletters.
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One way we can keep our readers from one book to the next is to encourage them to connect with us or our stories. Bonus content on our website is one way to create engaged readers.
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One way to keep readers interested in our writing is to hook them with an excerpt to our next story at the end of our book. But there are times an excerpt could hurt our sales. When is it a good idea to include an excerpt—and when is it not?
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Approximately seventy bajillion new books are released every day (give or take a few bajillion). Our newly released books might have a hard time being noticed, so when we find readers who like our work, we want to make sure they’re still in our audience for our next book. Enter the email newsletter.
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Every Thanksgiving, I write a “the best reason to blog” post because gratitude is such a powerful tool. Thinking about what we’re thankful for forces us to pay attention to what has meaning in our lives. The daily grind can make us forget why we do what we do, but being grateful for the good things reminds us of what matters most.
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A common question among those getting ready to indie publish is “Should I use pre-orders or just publish right away?” My monthly guest post over at Janice Hardy’s Fiction University is digging deeper into our options for our release schedule and talking about the pros and cons for each choice.
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Yesterday marked the release of my fourth book, Ironclad Devotion, and I think I’m going to collapse now. This release marks the end of my “master plan,” also known as my daisy-chain release schedule. I first came up with that plan about a year ago, and I can’t quite believe it actually worked.
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Yesterday, I announced another book release, and the wave of congratulations and support gave me warm fuzzies all day. *smile* I feel so blessed to be part of the writing community. The writing community has been there for me at every turn, and I’m grateful. I hope all of you have received that support as well.
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When we first start writing, we might want to celebrate becoming an Author. One way we can appreciate our accomplishments is to hold a book launch party. Today’s guest poster is an expert at knowing our options, and she’s sharing her tips, advice, and to-do lists for all types of launch parties.
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