
Writing Your Story

Tips and advice about writing processes and improving how we write. Sample topics: fast drafting, brainstorming techniques, getting in touch with our muse, writing difficult scenes, writing resources and tools, making writing a priority, etc.

How Do Pantsers Develop Characters?

Lens refracting a face in multiple images with text: Discovering Our Characters

Plotters might find any kind of pantsing hard to understand, but even pantsers can struggle with pantsing our characters’ development, as that process comes with a different set of problems from developing our plots.

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January 29, 2019

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Happy New Year! Get a Fresh Start

Fireworks with text: Get a Fresh Start on Our Writing

With the New Year, I like the idea of fresh starts, so I’m sharing a tip from Twitter on how we can draft our story in a different font than usual to help us see everything with fresh eyes.

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January 1, 2019

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