CreateSpace to KDP: The Aftermath
Last summer, Amazon announced that CreateSpace was closing and merging with KDP. Now that CS is dead and the migration is over, let’s make sure our books are set up properly at KDP.
Pin ItWhere Normal Need Not Apply
Last summer, Amazon announced that CreateSpace was closing and merging with KDP. Now that CS is dead and the migration is over, let’s make sure our books are set up properly at KDP.
Pin ItIn the writing and self-publishing world, writers encounter a lot of services that cost money. Some of them are solid resources that are worth it if they work for our processes. Others…? Not so much. That’s why it’s always nice to discover free resources or discounted services.
Pin ItIn traditional publishing, authors (and their readers) are often stuck with errors, but with ebooks, POD, and self-publishing, files are easy to fix and upload. Should authors make changes, or should books be set in stone?
Pin ItYesterday, I announced another book release, and the wave of congratulations and support gave me warm fuzzies all day. *smile* I feel so blessed to be part of the writing community. The writing community has been there for me at every turn, and I’m grateful. I hope all of you have received that support as well.
Pin ItMany self-published authors stick with CreateSpace to create a print versions because Amazon makes things easy and user-friendly. However, a few authors, including today’s guest, are using IngramSpark, which is part of Lightning Source. Let’s compare…
Pin ItWhile I paid for a cover designer for my books, I created the bookmarks myself to save money. Several people asked me how I made them complement the cover so well, and since saving money is always a good thing, I figured I should post about the topic.
Pin ItHolding your book in your hands can make “being published” feel real, but self-publishing in print can require us to make countless decisions. Let’s walk through the process.
Pin ItMany times in our writing career—just as with life in general—we have to hurry up…and then wait. I’m in hurry-up-and-wait mode today. After running around to get everything ready, Treasured Claim is releasing tomorrow, and the next book, Pure Sacrifice, is already available for pre-order. But I hate waiting…
Pin ItAll writers, especially those who self-publish, have to decide: Are we writing and publishing just for ourselves? Or to get customers (readers)? Depending on our answers, we can prioritize “fast, cheap, or good.”
Pin ItIt’s no secret that many authors are considering self-publishing on some level. So I’m happy to host my friend Julie Musil, who’s sharing some of the pitfalls of self-publishing and providing tips for avoiding those issues. Honestly though, I think her advice is applicable to every author, no matter our publishing path.
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