Writing Prompts: Helpful? Or a Waste of Time? — Guest: Savannah Cordova
Writing prompts can help with inspiration or creativity, or distract us from the writing we’re “supposed to” do. How can we make them more helpful to us?
Pin ItWhere Normal Need Not Apply
Writing prompts can help with inspiration or creativity, or distract us from the writing we’re “supposed to” do. How can we make them more helpful to us?
Pin ItWe’re all so busy that we struggle to get everything done and look for different productivity methods and tips. Today, L. Penelope shares how she uses bullet journals to plan for success and improve productivity.
Pin ItMany have valid concerns about the ethics of using ghostwriters, but there’s a difference between the ethical use of professional ghostwriters and “author mills.” Shiloh Walker shares her insights into shady behavior.
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Pin ItAs writers, we often joke about how writing can act as therapy. Yet beyond the typical therapy aspects, writing—with its direct connection to our subconscious—gives us an open door to our brain and thought processes.
Pin ItThe Scrivener drafting programs helps writers track daily word count and hit targets, but it’s not always intuitive. Scrivener expert Gwen Hernandez is sharing her Scrivener tips for NaNoWriMo, including how to compile our draft—one of the trickiest aspects of Scrivener.
Pin ItAs writers, we can burn out in so many different aspects of our lives that it’d be a surprise if we never burned out. And if we don’t deal with our burnout, the problems are likely to get worse, so we might need to make changes.
Pin ItThe Finding Nemo quote to “Just keep swimming” encourages us to keep going no matter the obstacles, but we might not know how. Jenna Victoria shares her 6 tips to write despite our problems.
Pin ItA few weeks ago, I hinted that I’ve been busy working on a secret project. If you’re visiting this post online, you can see the evidence of that project right here: a brand-spanking-new website! Shiny!
Pin ItMost writers struggle with writing burnout at some point. For me, health issues have drained my energy and caused oodles of frustration, neither of which is good for my creative side—which leads to writing frustration. Chronic issues often lead to major, long-term burnout. What can we do?
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