Creativity: Avoiding Blocks and Refreshing Ideas — Guest: Christina Delay
We’ll probably all struggle with creative blocks during our writing career, so what can we do to help? Christina Delay shares her insights.
Where Normal Need Not Apply
We’ll probably all struggle with creative blocks during our writing career, so what can we do to help? Christina Delay shares her insights.
Eventually, every writer will need an organizational system, but many of us struggle to find one that works for us. Here are a few insights and resources.
Pin ItIf we’re not careful, we can burn out or suffer serious consequences. So once in a while, we all need to evaluate our workload and reprioritize…even me.
Pin ItEverything in the news is currently all COVID-19 all the time. All that anxiety can make it hard to focus on our writing. What can we do to fix it?
Pin ItA drafting process that works for one might not work for another. However, NaNoWriMo can be a great time to experiment and see what writing process works for us.
Pin ItNo matter how well our writing is going, check out these resources and guest posts for how we can do our best during NaNoWriMo.
Pin ItIf we’re overwhelmed, that stress isn’t good for our creativity. Let’s explore how to break tasks into manageable chunks—for writing and for our life.
Pin ItAt some point in our writing career, we’re likely to struggle with writing when “life” happens. How can we plan for the unexpected and survive life’s chaos?
Pin ItWith everything we think we “should” do, it can be hard to know what our goals really are. How can we figure out our priorities—our most important goals?
Pin ItEver hear the tip: Don’t let yourself get stuck on a single story? How can we know whether to listen or ignore that advice?
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