
Planning Your Story

Story planning tips and advice. Sample topics: using beat sheets, developing arcs, techniques for those who write by the seat of their pants, deciding on story ideas, etc.

How to Save a Broken Story

Scattered pieces of a watch with text: How Can We Fix a Broken Story?

A truly broken story is one where the pieces of the story don’t come together in a coherent whole. But if we’re willing to put in the work, virtually any story can be saved. Then question then is: What steps should we take to fix a broken story?

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September 27, 2018

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Brainstorming Your Story? Proactively Avoid Issues

Foam head embedded with screws with text: Prevent Issues with a Brainstorming Check

After we finish brainstorming and start trying to assemble our ideas into a story, that’s the perfect point in our writing process to avoid major problems by questioning what story issues we might run into before we write too many words.

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September 20, 2018

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