Overwhelmed? What Do You Do? My Blog Announcement…
If we’re not careful, we can burn out or suffer serious consequences. So once in a while, we all need to evaluate our workload and reprioritize…even me.
Pin ItWhere Normal Need Not Apply
If we’re not careful, we can burn out or suffer serious consequences. So once in a while, we all need to evaluate our workload and reprioritize…even me.
Pin ItIf the usual beta-reading exchange doesn’t work for us, would a professional professional beta reader be good? What should we look for?
Pin ItA drafting process that works for one might not work for another. However, NaNoWriMo can be a great time to experiment and see what writing process works for us.
Pin ItNo matter how well our writing is going, check out these resources and guest posts for how we can do our best during NaNoWriMo.
Pin ItThis time of year, writers try to get their story idea into shape before the first of November. Here’s some help to get your planning off on the right foot with NaNoWriMo.
Pin ItAs a writer we can suffer from the impostor syndrome, feeling like a newbie many times over. But we all have expertise in something, and now’s your chance to help others and share what you know.
Pin ItThe Scrivener drafting programs helps writers track daily word count and hit targets, but it’s not always intuitive. Scrivener expert Gwen Hernandez is sharing her Scrivener tips for NaNoWriMo, including how to compile our draft—one of the trickiest aspects of Scrivener.
Pin ItOne the first day of NaNoWriMo, Pacale Kavanagh share insights and advice on how meditation can help our mindfulness to better focus, ignore distractions, and turbocharge our productivity.
Pin ItUnless we’re only ever going to write just one book, we need to improve our ability to develop an idea into a story. That means we need to learn how to brainstorm in a productive way.
Pin ItTo make NaNo work for us, we need to figure out our goals for the experience—and there’s no wrong answer. However, if our goal is to create a coherent story, we should try to understand story structure.
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