
What’s the Word on Jami’s Workshops?

Pencil drawing a light bulb with text: Workshops with Jami Gold

Jami’s previous students have said awesome things about her workshops (for which she’s very appreciative!). Survey results consistently award her classes top “wonderful” marks for value and information.

As a presenter, she receives top “wonderful” marks in every category (knowledgeable, teaching ability, and making learning enjoyable). 100% of respondents agree: They’d take another of her classes and would recommend her classes to their friends.

Read on for more testimonials:

Lost Your Pants? The Impatient Writer’s Guide to Plotting a Story

“Writers! This is the BEST online workshop I’ve taken thus far. She provides guidance (and materials) on how to fast-draft a story with a basic outline (and more!). Using this method, I was able to fast draft THREE 100k manuscripts in 2-months a piece (over only 8 months). RECOMMENDED!!”

— Jennifer Rose
Student of “Lost Your Pants?” workshop

“For those of you who follow her blog but haven’t taken one of her courses, I highly recommend them – she is an AMAZING teacher and you’ll walk away with more tips, advice and resources than you ever thought possible (I’m still trying to figure out where she stores it all?!?)! 😀 Seriously, Jami, between your blog and your courses, you have helped me more than you could ever imagine! Thanks so much!”

— Harley Christensen
Student of “Lost Your Pants?” workshop

“I’ve read books on craft. Structure, plotting, and all that jazz. So I went into the Lost Your Pants? class already knowing about plot and structure. However, looking back on it now, I feel as though what I knew from reading those books was just the tip of the iceberg, and I’m hungry to learn more! Jami Gold is not only the master of structure and plotting spreadsheets, she’s also the master at taking all those books on craft and rolling them into a single, easy, cohesive plan. With her ability to thoroughly understand plot and character arcs, she has created a special offering for panters and their muses. With Jami’s six levels of planning, there’s no way you can go wrong in planning and writing that first draft – or revising for that matter. No matter where you are in your writing journey – beginner, intermediate, or advanced – this is one class you’ll definitely want to take!”

— Melinda Collins
Student of “Lost Your Pants?” workshop

“I knew when I read the description to “Lost Your Pants? An Impatient Writer’s Guide to Plotting/Planning a Story” that it would be a good course for me, a die-hard pantser who sometimes gets stuck. What I didn’t know was just how much the class would exceed my expectations.

The webinar portion of the course complemented the hand-outs well. Jami has a terrific speaking voice and checked on students regularly to make sure we’ve not fallen behind or had unanswered questions.

The hand-outs themselves could stand alone as the course textbook, they are that good. Jami expanded on and added details to the notes (shown as slide-show visuals) during the webinar, which enriched the experience. You could tell Jami put a lot of thought into every element of the course.

I also really liked that Jami went slowly enough that I didn’t miss too much of the class when I was interrupted by my family. Having the recordings of the sessions afterward helped me fill in spots that I’d missed.

I appreciate getting the hand-out notes because it often takes me many iterations (either reading or listening) to completely digest something. As well, the Beat Sheet she created will be indispensable for working on any and all of my future stories.

I’ve taken a couple of webinars from Writer’s Digest previously, and this class compares favorably with them. In fact, I’d say that this one is my favorite of all the web-classes I’ve taken. Jami is to be commended for doing a stellar job!”

— Teresa Robeson
Student of “Lost Your Pants?” workshop

“Wow —- GREAT information and exactly what I needed. I’ve been a student of Save the Cat for some time, and I find that your method bridges a lot of gaps for me. Lots of material! … And yes, I’ve already begun a brand new plan for the book I’m writing, based on what I’ve learned so far. Thank you for a great class…”

— Dani Harper
Student of “Lost Your Pants?” workshop

“The bite-sized chunks of information presented in the class and Jami’s planning worksheets helped me to focus clearly on the story I wanted to tell, and showed me what needed to be included and what elements I could let go of. For a long time now I’ve been tied in knots with story structure and the various arcs, but Jami’s approach to story planning for pantsers sorted out all the tangles and I now have a coherent guide to work with that, most importantly, won’t kill the joy of discovery as I write. I even feel ready to tackle NaNo 2013! Thank you so much, Jami, for helping me to find my way.”

— Lisa Lawler
Student of “Lost Your Pants?” workshop

“I just wanted to email and thank you for a great course. I couldn’t attend the workshops in real time, but spent last week going through them both at my own pace and making copious notes! I found it one of the most useful courses I’ve done and I’ve learnt so much about story structure.”

— Jo Lamb
Student of “Lost Your Pants?” workshop

Between the Sheets: Create a Deeper Romance with the Romance Beat Sheet

“The Romance Beat Sheet Workshop was very well done, easy to follow, and very comprehensive. Having the workshop to accompany the beat sheet makes the beat sheet a much more valuable tool. I especially liked that there was a story created and used to illustrate each beat. Thank you!”

— Michelle Cornish
Student of “Between the Sheets” workshop

“Great information, Jami. This workshop has been even more valuable than I thought it would be. Clarified a lot for me.”

— Sherry Rector
Student of “Between the Sheets” workshop

“I’m having a lot of Eureka! moments.”

— Beabe Thompson
Student of “Between the Sheets” workshop

“You’ve cleared up so much for me. Now I have so much so much to think about. Thank you so much!”

— Pat Leo
Student of “Between the Sheets” workshop

“This was really helpful! Thanks Jami!”

— Daniel Yarborough
Student of “Between the Sheets” workshop

“Great class, and I love the blog!!”

— Ruchama Burrell
Student of “Between the Sheets” workshop

“There’s just so much information. This will require multiple watches. Thank you so much. Great info.”

— Erica Alexander
Student of “Between the Sheets” workshop

Beat Sheet Basics: Know Your Story’s Structure

“You just helped me figure out the ending for book 2.”

— Rhenna Morgan
Student of “Beat Sheet Basics” workshop

“You’ve made me want to go play with beat sheets now. I have a very messy first draft that I’d love to play with. This was wonderful.”

— Tui Snider
Student of “Beat Sheet Basics” workshop

“This was invaluable. Can’t thank you enough, Jami. “

— Christina Hawthorne
Student of “Beat Sheet Basics” workshop

“That was great information. I can’t wait to put this to work.”

— Lynne St. James
Student of “Beat Sheet Basics” workshop

A Newbie’s Guide to Building a Self-Hosted Blog or Website

“Fantastic! Especially with all the follow-up goodies.”

— C.C. Cedras
Student of “A Newbie’s Guide” workshop